Monday, November 18, 2013

Gladstone for at least 6 more weeks.

Hello family!!

This week was grand of course! Sister Kyaw and i are staying together in GLADSTONE for another six weeks! Raise the roof, six more weeks of full time bikes! Actually we might split the area and go half and half with the car but who knows? That means i would be driving again, woot! Hurray for round a bouts the size of a small island.

Soooooo on tuesday we had a District Meeting! For the first time in Gladstone. Which is funny because out DL wasnt even there. The STLs (Sister Training Leader) conducted it and trained us. Meetings arent usually my favorite thing in the world but it was good. I think the way we can tell if a meeting is effective is if we are inspired to do something and then after, we actually do it, so its not all just talk. "Now if ye believe these things...see that ye do them."

Wednesday we were legitimately persecuted! This lady gave it to us big time. Me and Sister Kyaw just walked away crying and this guy stopped his truck and asked us if we were okay haha :) Then we got over it. I cant imagine being a pioneer and being chased out by mobs and persecuted all the time...they're awesome! We are seeing Celeste every week and teaching her the Gospel. I love when it gets to a point that the investigator is like leading the meeting. Investigator: "Hi sisters how are you?" chatting....Investigator "All right should we start with a prayer?" You betcha! I love Celeste, Mom she kinda reminds me of you. In a small way :) She sketched me a picture of Jesus Christ, my favorite one from the lesson 3 pamphlet.

On Thursday we had weekly planning and we also went to see Sam and Jack, two children that we teach on Thursdays. They are cute with good questions. Usually the mom listens too. Planting seeds! We went to see Adell and Jian and Jian has to quit the communist party before he can get baptized, and his family is freaking out right now. We assured him that we could still teach him and he could still come to church while he tries to figure out his problems. So many times i would excuse investigators if i could--when they're faced with seemingly insurmountable hurdles they must pass through to make it to baptism and confirmation and continued activity in the church--but this is not Sister Schaelling's work, its the Lords. And the Lord will wait and work with us and He is patient, but He does require that we consecrate all to enter His Kingdom, even our very culture at times. But the blessings far out weigh the hardship!

Friday was deep cleaning so we deep cleaned our lovely little flat. I also made a couch for us out of pillows and a comforter. We went and saw Dilys and i corrected her entrance essay for a school program she is trying to get into. We had dinner with this random potential investigator and his wife and their friends! They loved Sister Kyaw :) We were able to share a message about our loving Heavenly Father and sang to them at the end. It was good. Craig, our potential and his wife are so nice and just welcomed us into their homes without even knowing us. It was great. To find Aussie people that nice is kind of a rarity!

Phillip had a rough week this past week and is dealing with a lot of hard stuff. We went over and Elder Fenton gave him a blessing. We sang to him. Also the next day we called Phillip and left him a voice message of us singing "My Heavenly Father Loves me."  He was laughing with us on Sunday about it. He is soooo humble and showed up to church in a white shirt and slacks with his new scriptures. He asked elder Fenton to teach him how to tie a tie :) He is amazing! I will always be grateful for Phillip's example!!

Saturday we saw Arnelson again and set a new baptism date. His struggle is W.o.W and sabbath day holy. He wants to be baptized, i think next week we are just going to bike over their and bang the door down so he will come to church :) He is genuine. Bro Glen Porteous had us over for a bbq with some other RC and it was great...transfer calls came and Sister Wulfenstein is going down to Brisbane! We are getting Sister Russel from South Africa who has been an STL for the past six months! She will be comps with Lealii E'e.  We also got a new Samoan family in the branch and laughing and joking with them reminded me how much i miss Polys!!

I do believe that is all for this week!

Love you all!
Sister Schaelling

May, 2013  Carly's farewell talk Sunday, with cousin Kenna

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